2 min read
Museum Leadership: What Happens When You Screw Up?
Show some humility: Try "Maybe I got this wrong and we need to begin over. How should we change things?" In essence you've asked your...
3 min read
Museum Staff Matter: Let Them Know It
a state by state list of free admission. Based on last week's post--a back-and-forth between Frank Vagnone and me --I thought maybe we...
5 min read
Dealing with Workplace Discrimination and Harassment at Small Public History Sites and Museums
Let's talk about discrimination and sexual harassment at small public history sites, history museums, and related organizations. A large...
1 min read
Museum CEO - Lowest Full-time Staff Salaries: Is the Ratio a Question of Numbers or Ethics?
Someone needs to do some research on this for the museum world and make it available. Solving this isn't an entirely numeric issue. It's...
2 min read
It's January: A Natural Time to Change-up Your Museum Career
If you don't already have a standing appointment with your boss, make one. Outline your day, hour-to-hour, and quantify percentages so...
2 min read
It's a New Year
Looking BackThank you to our 875 Leadership Matters followers around the world and thousands more readers who looked at our pages a...