2 min read
Museum Leadership: What Happens When You Screw Up?
Show some humility: Try "Maybe I got this wrong and we need to begin over. How should we change things?" In essence you've asked your...
3 min read
Museum Staff Matter: Let Them Know It
a state by state list of free admission. Based on last week's post--a back-and-forth between Frank Vagnone and me --I thought maybe we...
1 min read
Museum CEO - Lowest Full-time Staff Salaries: Is the Ratio a Question of Numbers or Ethics?
Someone needs to do some research on this for the museum world and make it available. Solving this isn't an entirely numeric issue. It's...
2 min read
It's January: A Natural Time to Change-up Your Museum Career
If you don't already have a standing appointment with your boss, make one. Outline your day, hour-to-hour, and quantify percentages so...
2 min read
It's a New Year
Looking BackThank you to our 875 Leadership Matters followers around the world and thousands more readers who looked at our pages a...
3 min read
Museum Women: Take Care of Yourselves
As we reach toward the third decade of the 21st century, you might imagine that for women at work things might be better than they were...