3 min read
Saying What You Mean & Getting Better at What You Do
Be a good listener: Say you're a curator. A colleague asks why boxes in your storage area are stacked close to the heating pipes. There...
2 min read
6 Great Tips for Making Your Meetings Matter
Use the flipped classroom method: If you want to make sure everyone's on the same page, provide a reading the day before. Â This is not a...
1 min read
Museum Leaders and We've Always Done It That Way
Don't let discussion end when the WADITW phrase is uttered. Ask the person to explain how and why the old way is still better. Keep...
1 min read
Museum Leadership: The Why, Not the How
Does your organization have a shared values statement? If not, make one. A values statement is a governor on organizational action in the...
3 min read
Museum Leaders: The Words You Use
2014 study of tech industry performance reviews  women were far more likely to receive critical feedback then men--71-percent vs....